We make every attempt to ensure that the data on low emission zones and tolling schemes presented on our website are complete.

urban access regulation route planner

Completeness of the data on key Access Regulation Schemes

This information does not attempt to be comprehensive or cover every urban area, but cover as many cities and towns as are possible. We have checked the larger cities, for example those over 500,000 population, and many others that might be likely to have schemes.

The number of other schemes included will increase over time. In looking for schemes, we focus on the larger cities, touristic areas and areas we know have schemes.

We include schemes once they are confirmed as in operation, or planning. Before this is confirmed, schemes are not shown on our public website. If you want information on schemes not yet confirmed, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have information on key ARS schemes that we do not yet cover, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and this will help us increase the number of schemes we detail on our website.

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